
Thursday, September 12, 2013

0201 – New enclosures under excavation (1)

A new ditched enclosure is being excavated in Alentejo, near Santa Vitória (Beja), by the company Omniknos, directed by Rui Ramos..

At least four sections of ditches will be cut by a water pipeline, possibly corresponding to three different structures. They are being defined and one of them is clearly sinuous, adding another site to the already long list of Portuguese ditched enclosures with sinuous ditches.

By the material associated, they must be from the 3rd millennium BC, but one of the ditches is cut by a Bronze Age cist. Believing the locals, a necropolis of cists in this area has been destroyed over time by farmers.

To Southeast, maybe 300/400 meters there is a funerary Chalcolithic hypogeum, where three pits are connected by internal passages. Between the hypogeum and the enclosures there are some pits, some of them from Bronze Age.

This is a quite interesting new site.

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