
Monday, September 16, 2013

0203 - Pé da Erra ditched enclosure

Ditch section of Pé da Erra, showing a clear recut.

An old site has revealed itself as a ditched enclosure in recent excavation of the UNIARCH team. It is Pé da Erra, near Coruche, known since the seventies of the last century. We still do not have specific information about the new findings. But the simple fact that there is a ditch enclosure is significant, because this is a peripheral area to the actual concentration of ditched enclosure in Alentejo’s hinterland. It is a confirmation of what I argued some time ago, that this kind of contexts would start to appear in other areas of the country (in this case in the Sorraia valley, a tributary of the Tagus river), even if they don´t show the same concentration of sites. Things appear when the times are ready for them.

Information and picture taken from here

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