
Thursday, September 25, 2014

0268 – Transition moments

Transition is always a moment celebrated by cultures (and not just human cultures). Transition between life and death, between childhood and adult life, between seasons, between day and night, etc. All generate particular culture behaviors, rituals, prescriptions.

Even architecture responds to these moments of transition. That is the case of many ditched enclosures by having their gates orientated to important sun annual events, such as solstices and equinoxes. In this case, we have a drawing of the landscape perspective of the sunset at the equinoxes, seen through the western gate of Bela Vista 5 enclosure (Beja, South Portugal).


  1. Are there any architectural dates that are less obvious and universal than equinoxes and solstices that seem to have been incorporated in the designs?

  2. There might be some related to moon largest pause or to specific locations in the landscape. Others are possible, but have not yet been reserached.

  3. Or several associations can be detected. In fact, that could be the case of the present image, sinse it has been detected a site exctly in the top of the hill where the sun is setting.
