It is a fact that a significant number of
walled and ditched enclosures have plans that tend to circularity and that
angles are rare. Well, if this statement is a rule for ditched enclosures, for
walled ones it has some exceptions.
In fact, there are some walled enclosures
that present designs made by strait sections of walls that connect forming open
angles, where we usually find circular constructions that in Portuguese
archaeological literature are immediately interpreted as bastions or
One of the classic sites is Pedra do Ouro
(Lisbon district) walled enclosure. But more recently, walled enclosures with a
polygonal tendency have been recorded in Alentejo, namely Porto das Carretas in
Mourão municipality and São Pedro in Redondo Municipality, following designs
also suggested in some sites of south Spain, like Cerro de los Vientos de La
Zarcita or Campos.
Plans of São Pedro (Mataloto, 2010) and Porto das Carretas (Silva e Soares, 2002). Click to enlarge.
This rupture with circularity is also seen
in some French walled enclosures, like Boussargues. But here some new perspectives
were developed that I think it would be interesting for Iberian archaeologist
to consider and some Spanish colleagues have done just so (inclusively for the
well known forts of Los Millares). At Boussargues, the round structures at the
angles of the walls were taken as previous constructions. It was later, in a
second phase of construction, that they were united by sections of strait walls
(Colomer, et al. 1990), like dots united by lines in a paper. In this case, the
strait design of the walls seems to be induced by the previous circular
structures (that are not bastions or towers, but households), generating a more
polygonal shape. This is a quite different process from building an enclosure
that was planned ahead and it raises a lot of questions about the way some
archaeological structures have been interpreted in Iberia.

Boussargues (Calomer, et al, 1990 adapted)
If we look to the published plans of Porto
das Carretas and São Pedro we can see that in several situations the areas of
the angles and the connections to the so called bastions or towers are quite destroyed.
Sometimes stratigraphic relations between the structures cannot be observed and
interpretation is relying on presumptions.
Well, it seems that examples like
Boussargues were not taken in consideration in the interpretation of similar Portuguese
enclosures. But I think it would be useful to approach the records of this
sites (Porto das Carretas and São Pedro are no longer physically available for
research, as we all know, so we only rely on the records of the excavations) with
this perspective and question them free from some prejudices.
Bibliographic References:
Colomer, A. , Coularou, J. e Gutherz, X. (1990), “Boussargues
(Argelliers, Hérault). Un habitat ceituré chalcolitique : les fouilles du
secteur oust.”, Documents d’Archéologie Française, 24, Paris.
Rui (2010), “O 3º/4º milénio a.C. no povoado de São Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo Central):
fortificação e povoamento na planície centro alentejana“, (GONÇALVES, V. e
SOUSA, A.C., Eds), Transformação e mudança no centro e sul de Portugal: o 4º e
o 3º milénios a.n.e., Cascais, CMC, p.263-295.
C.T. e Soares, J. (2002), "Porto das Carretas. Um povoado fortificado do
vale do Guadiana", Almadan, 2ª Série, 11, p.176-180.